
What are the goals of Crack the Code 2018?

Crack the Code is a conference to promote the personal and professional growth of women and genderqueer people working in progressive data, analytics, and technology. Crack the Code is a trans-friendly space. Last time, we focused on providing an introduction to the progressive data and analytics space for newer practitioners. This time, we’re focusing on how people can personally and professionally advance in the space. That means we’re putting a bigger emphasis on managing up, down, and sideways; figuring out when it’s the right time to move onto your next role; and pairing attendees with experts on resume and cover letter writing, negotiation, and more.

Who’s eligible to attend?

We’re inviting folks who (1) work in data, analytics, or technology in progressive politics or plans on working in the field during 2018 or 2020 AND (2) are a woman or a genderqueer person. Crack the Code is a trans-friendly space.

To elaborate on (1), we’re looking for folks who have experience in politics and looking at to advance their careers. If you’ve never worked in politics or in political data, you’re still welcome, but you might find some of the talks confusing.

To elaborate on (2), we fall into category #4 in Kat Marchán’s guide on inclusive spaces.

Where’s it happening?

Crack the Code 2018 will take place at ThoughtWorks at 99 Madison Avenue.

What is our Code of Conduct?

Our Code of Conduct is listed here.